miércoles, 24 de junio de 2020

Adhesion to the award of the Extremadura Medal

As you know our school IES Bárbara de Braganza, is a public education institution that was founded in 1845, so this year is its 175 birthday.
From its origins it maintains a commitment to languages, and the promotion of reading as elements of social cohesion. Currently ICTs together with science and the humanities are the bet for the promotion of a model for teachers who want to teach their almost a thousand students as citizens of the 21st century: happy, trained, responsible and committed with the environment.
For these reasons the Juan Uña Foundation for the Education and Development in Extremadura will propose our school to be recognised with the highest institutional distinction of the Autonomous Community of Extremadura, 'The Extremadura Medal'
The Extremadura Medal was established in 1986, following decree 27/1986, of April 29.
Therefore, we ask for your adherence to that request,  either by filling out the following form:


Thank you very much for your cooperation.

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