la presente unidad didáctica (D.U. 3) hemos estado trabajando sobre la
importancia de tener una vida activa (active lifestyle) para asegurarnos
una serie de beneficios físicos y psicológicos en nuestro cuerpo.
la siguiente Unidad Didáctica trabajaremos el conocimiento de las CFB
(Capacidades Físicas Básicas: fuerza, resistencia, velocidad y
En la siguiente ficha deberás rellenar los
resultados obtenidos en las diferentes pruebas físicas realizadas
durante nuestras clases.
Éstas serán el punto de partida para aprender a realizar y mejorar nuestra condición física.
Recuerda añadir esta ficha a tu Notebook (que formará parte de nuestra UD 4)
Asimismo os dejos un interesante comentario en relación a un artículo escrito en el New York Times denominado "Gym Class Isn’t Just Fun and Games Anymore"
"I am so inspired by this article. Physical education today is very
different from when I attended school. I am glad to learn that the days
of being picked last, waiting on long lines, not having enough
equipment, and dodgeball are being taken out of physical education
Physical education is evolving and I am elated (=very cheerful) that PE
is catering it's curriculum toward all children. Shouldn't physical
education class be about providing students with different opportunities
to become more physically active? Less than one percent of students
will become professional athletes so PE programs need to reach the
remaining 99 percent of students. Teaching students to set their own
fitness goals and learn how to exercise in their target heart rate are
strategies for PE classes.
Professional development is important
for all teachers including physical education. Let's support physical
education and make it a CORE subject just like math, science and
language arts.
More PE in schools please!!!"
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