domingo, 20 de octubre de 2019

Language immersion in Los Molinos (Llerena)

Learning lenguage contributes to mutual understanding, develops a sense of global belonging and inner satisfaction. Those who assimilate a new language also learn to appreciate other cultures, countries, social groups and their components, people.

What better way to practice a language for a young student than to immerse him or her in a carefully designed cultural environment located in a unique natural setting.

On October 24 we will have a meeting in which we inform you of all the details of the trip.
We will see you next Thursday!

PaCo: Meeting in Hradec

Two students from the bilingual section of English, Sandra Gómez and Martín Gómez are participating during last week in the  transnational meeting in Hradec Králové (Czech Republic) within the Erasmus KA2 project whose name is Participation in Society through Classroom Activities and The cooperation. (Acronym: PaCo).
The schools that are part of the project are "Arppen Koulu" -Kitee, Finland. (Organizer), "Tartu Kesklinna Kool" -Tartu, Estonia,"Szent Piroska Görögkatolikus Általános Iskola" -Nyíracsád-Hungary, "Vyssi odborna skola" -Hradec Králové-Czech Republic, "Osnovna sola Prezihovega Voranca Bistrica" ​​-Crensovci-Slovenia

lunes, 14 de octubre de 2019

Exchange with students of the VGH institute in Bogen (Germany)

According to the Spanish students it has been an unforgettable experience and for the families and teachers it has been a great success.

As we intend to organize this activity again in two year’s time, both our schools will be keeping in touch in the hope new students enjoy the experience.

Course 19/20

The English blog Come On! wishes everybody a nice and happy school year! 
Also we hope you often visit us  to get informed about any interesting topic concerning our school life.
See you soon.