viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2018

It snowed in Nevarredendoda de Gredos

Last night it snowed and some students could see for the first time the snow. Although this morning was already very little they could not help throwing snowballs.

 We wish you happy trip back!

PaCo: Fisrt meeting in Finland

Two students from the bilingual section of English, Belén Garrido and Juanma Melgar are participating during this week in the first transnational meeting in Kite (Finland) within the Erasmus KA2 project whose name is Participation in Society through Classroom Activities and The cooperation. (Acronym: PaCo).
The schools that are part of the project are "Arppen Koulu" -Kitee, Finland. (Organizer), "Tartu Kesklinna Kool" -Tartu, Estonia,"Szent Piroska Görögkatolikus Általános Iskola" -Nyíracsád-Hungary, "Vyssi odborna skola" -Hradec Králové-Czech Republic, "Osnovna sola Prezihovega Voranca Bistrica" ​​-Crensovci-Slovenia

As a final result, two e-books will be published with the materials collected, which will revolve around several thematic axes: human rights, political participation, equality, environmental responsibility, cultural heritage and citizenship, and participation and cooperation with the Associations.
The students will reinforce their social cohesion, their European identity and their knowledge of civic rights and duties as European citizens.

miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2018

Language immersion in Gredos

Our kids are already in the Sierra de Gredos, the rooms were distributed and they started with the first activity: "the treasure hunt"

After the break, they took an ecological tour in which they learned different food chains. Later some games to relax and enjoy the coexistence with friends.

domingo, 4 de noviembre de 2018

Language immersion in Gredos

Learning lenguage contributes to mutual understanding, develops a sense of global belonging and inner satisfaction. Those who assimilate a new language also learn to appreciate other cultures, countries, social groups and their components, people.

What better way to practice a language for a young student than to immerse him or her in a carefully designed cultural environment located in a unique natural setting.