domingo, 20 de diciembre de 2015

Potato cell 2015

We have made a cell with things that we find  our environment.
This activity aims to understand and identify the different cell organelles. 


jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015

Thanksgiving Day in our High School

We have celebrated Thanksgiving Day. It is a day set aside each year where people in the United States and Canada give thanks to God for all the blessings they received during the year by feasting and prayer.
Thanksgiving Day first started in New England. It was for thanking God for the abundant harvest of crops. This is usually somewhere in late fall when the crops have been harvested. 

Traditional thanksgiving dinners those days usually includes turkeys cranberries, fish, dried fruit, clams, venison, plums and lobsters. 

lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2015

Let's go to the theatre

During the morning the students of the bilingual section of English and some English groups attended a theatrical performance in the original version in the Palacio de Congresos. Students of the first cycle of ESO saw a version of "Mary Frankenstein" and the 2nd cycle of ESO and BTO contest call "The Final Answer" in which Miguel a student of our school participates as an impromptu actor.

lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2015

We are Paris

"It will be etched forever in our memories on Friday November 13, 2015. This is the date that a group of barbarians chose to sow terror in various parts of Paris. As in a horror film, a butcher took place simultaneously in several places of the city and its nearest suburbs.
These inhuman marked with a black tie, the timing of the history of France. Even before Spain had reached the 11th March 2004, after England's July 7, 2005.
Paris, Saint-Denis and France full cry. We, all members of the institute Barbara de Braganza, we express our condolences and our solidarity with all the French people. But now we should not identify with Paris alone: we should identify with the world every day of the year. We should always fight terrorism and war, and contribute to the maintenance of liberty, equality and fraternity, because as Jean Paul Sartre said "violence, whatever form it appears, is a failure"

jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2015

Television and cinema

In October in the English class,  2º ESO C  have worked on the topic “Television and Cinema”. Here are some of the Film Reviews they wrote.

Elena Gata and Marina Apostua wrote about

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

One of our favourite film is "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", the first film in the Harry Potter saga. It's directed by Chris Columbus. The film is about a boy who discovers he's a wizard. Another wizard killed his parents and Harry tries to beat him. The main characters are Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter), Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley) and Emma Watson (Hermione Granger).
We like the film because it's interesting and different. This film is perfect for fans of fantasy and adventure films. 

Luis Bizarro Félix wrote about


One of my favourite films is the action adventure film Spiderman. It is directed by Sam Raini and stars Tobey Maguire, Spiderman and Kirsten Dunst, Mary Jane Watson.
The film is about a guy called Peter Parcker that gets bitten by a spider and acquires superpowers. He helps his city but without knowing which is Peter. This takes place in Cleveland. The main characters are Peter Parcker and Mary Jane. 
I like this film because Spiderman has always been my favourite superhero. This film is perfect for fans of fantasy and fights.

       Jesús Gamino Gallardo & Marina López Alfonso wrote about:
"Jurassic Word"
One of our favourite films is the science-fiction film “Jurassic World”. It’s directed by Colin Treverrow and stars Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard.
It’s about a new theme park, Jurassic World, on the Pacific coast of Central America. But, in this theme park there aren’t attractions, there are dinosaurs!!! Owen, a park team’s member, is investigating about the conduct of velociraptors. He discovered that the scientists of the park create a new carnivorous dinosaur. It run away and it threatens everything in its way and putting all the visitors in danger.
We like it because this film has an interesting story and the dinosaurs are incredible. The protagonists make it real and very interesting.
We think that the fans of science-fiction and action-adventure films love it.

Rocío Visea Méndez and Helena Gómez Piris wrote about

Shadow hunters.

One of my favourite films is the fantasy film "Shadow Hunters". This is the first film from a long saga of books.
It's directed by Harald Zwart. Stars Lily Collins (as Clary), Jamie Campbell (as Jace) and Robert Sheelan (as Clary's best friend also known as Simon).

The film is about a teenage girl called Clary. When her mother disappears, she learns that she descends from a line of warriors who protect our world from demons, they're called "Shadow Hunters".
Clary decides to join forces with them and she starts discovering lot of things like: she was forced to forget all about the world of shadows because her mother hired a witch for making that spell, she also discovers the Downworld...
She fall in love with a boy called Jace that is also a Shadow Hunter and they'll live amazing adventures to fight for the peace.
I'm in love with the story and the actors too! This film is perfect for fans of fantasy and romance.

domingo, 1 de noviembre de 2015

Library & Halloween

Last Friday, the winners were awarded prizes horror story competition, all set by the students Cycle Socio-Cultural and Tourism.

The winners were able to taste a scary candy. Congratulations!

miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2015

"Birding Guadiana"

This morning did this activity aims to highlight the rich natural heritage of our city enjoying bird level. Moreover, as a particularity, in our city we have the presence of a SPA (Special Protection of Birds) heron, great egret, commom magpie, mallard or robin ... show themselves shamelessly. "Fall is ideal because many of the birds that come to spend the winter have arrived, which are passing easily seen and residents are round; here live many examples are given in quantity and variety, "he remarked the monitor that accompanies to visit.

sábado, 17 de octubre de 2015


You come and participate in our contest. 
Prizes are waiting.

  • Stories in English.
  • Stories in Spanish
  • Stories in other languages.
Time and place of delivery: until 28th OCTOBER in the Library.

lunes, 14 de septiembre de 2015

Course 15/16

Summer is over and we are back to school!!!!
The English blog Come On! wishes everybody a nice and happy school year! 
Also we hope you often visit us  to get informed about any interesting topic concerning our school life.
See you soon.

jueves, 28 de mayo de 2015

Deepak’s Farawell Party

Today it has been Deepak’s last day in our school so everybody was really sad because we we wanted him to stay for another year, but that is impossible as  he is leaving Spain !!!
Students from 1ºB and 2ºB played an American football match, they had a great time and Deepak was the referee.
We also had a little performance, with some students singing and dancing. The “flamenco” dance was great, and we think Deepak enjoyed it a lot.
After that, the students thanked him and told him that they will really miss him and gave him some presents. As it was lunch time we had something to eat, the students brought omelettes, sandwiches… And as it was Deepak’s birthday we even had a birthday cake. It was delicious!!!



domingo, 26 de abril de 2015

$ 10000 Pyramid

Last April 15 was the day center and our students participated in the contest $ 10,000 Pyramid. It was quite entertaining. The winners were the team of ESO 1 B formed by Pilar Conchudo, Dew Visea, Bizarro Luis Maria Pilo, Irene and Mary Ponce Lemus.

miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2015

In Natuex Park: Hornachos

Although the day was sunny but very cold  the students  were delighted  with the activities,  as you can see by the photos.

sábado, 21 de marzo de 2015

Inmersión Lingüística en Hornachos

 Material que deben llevar :
- Ropa cómoda y deportiva.
- Muda de recambio (después de realizar taller de kayak)
- Bañador, toalla y chanclas.
- Gorra y crema solar. (Aconsejable)
- Comida y merienda.
- No llevar cosas de valor para evitar pérdidas.

Actividades a realizar